Copia – Abundance
Through this literary magazine, we hope that NCA students will be able to see beauty in new and different ways. There is an abundance of beauty within and outside of the walls of Naperville Christian Academy that deserves our attention. We want readers to be able to wrestle with, question, reflect upon, and marvel at the photography, language, music, and more of this small magazine. But our dream doesn’t end between covers of a book. We want people to be affected by this magazine so that they can learn to find beauty everywhere, through every culture, every place, every heart–because a love for beauty leads to a deeper and fuller love for the Lord. He has given us the ability to create, and that is a gift too often taken lightly. Through these works we can inspire others to showcase their God-given gifts and demonstrate how richly we have been endowed with the opportunity to both learn and create. Remembering that we are all created in God’s image, we hope to encourage a respect and love for each other through these talents which express who we are.
Will I See Heaven?
Will I see Heaven? is a sonnet about the fear of not seeing God and living in sin foever. But, by the end, we can find assurance in Christ dying on the cross. – Madisun Artis
Deliver Us
This poem takes place in the Book of Exodus. The Israelites are still enslaved by the Egyptians. Pharaoh just announced that all Israelite male babies will be drowned. Moses’ mother prepares a basket in which she would place Moses in so that he may float away to a safe place before he must be drowned. She is running to the Nile River. – Abby Robert
Among the Darkness
This sonnet, written in iambic pentameter, deals with overcoming fear. – Alexis Ouchakov
Grace–A Sonnet
God is with us, even when we sin against Him. – Judah Ruff
A Star Appears–Milton Imitation
This poem is based on the setting of Matthew 2:1-11. It is meant to encapsure the beauty and the light that we are all racing towards. – Connor Anderson
Fix Your Eyes to the Shepherd
This poem describes how the world is quite sinful and often we have to remember to look to God to redirect our lives. – Mikhaela Gabiola