Educational Philosophy
At Naperville Christian Academy, we believe entwining a high standard of academic scholarship with authentic, grace infused discipleship in a nurturing and joy-filled environment beautifully prepares students to discover their purpose and potential.
The following statements undergird and illumine our pursuit of knowledge.

1. We believe that the Bible clearly instructs parents, not the Church or State, to “bring children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” It is the parents’ obligation to nurture their children in accordance with Scripture (Eph.6:1-4). Therefore, under the delegation of the family, we seek to teach and discipline in a manner consistent with the Bible and a godly home environment.
2. Naperville Christian Academy serves children of believing parents. We require that at least one parent be a professing Christian with regular church attendance, affirm our Statement of Faith, and be committed to a Christ-centered “paideia” (full instruction and upbringing of a child).
3. Naperville Christian Academy integrates all teaching around the revealed Word of God, both Old and New Testament Scriptures.
4. We believe that God’s character is revealed not only in His Word but also in every facet of creation. Therefore, we teach that all knowledge is interrelated (integrated) and can instruct us about God himself.
5. God wants us to love Him with our minds, as well as with our hearts, souls, and strength (Matt. 22:37). Therefore, we seek to individually challenge children at all levels and teach them how to learn, by using the centuries-old, proven Classical method, including instruction in Latin, which provides a firm foundational understanding of language.
6. We want to help parents teach their children that all they do should be done “heartily, as unto the Lord.” Therefore, we seek to encourage quality academic work and maintain biblical standards of conduct. This necessarily includes biblical discipline principles.
7. Instruction at Naperville Christian Academy acknowledges that all life, knowledge, and meaning extend from our Creator. Our Christ-centered curriculum means we do more than simply provide a religion class among many other classes; rather, by integrating the Scriptures throughout the curriculum, we present the Lord as the One in whom all knowledge is united. This approach requires that all subjects, whether history, art, music, literature, mathematics, or science, be taught in the light of God’s existence and His revelation to humanity through His Son, Jesus Christ. We lead students in a pursuit of truth knowing that all truth points to God, and we encourage every student to develop a deep, genuine relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Naperville Christian Academy maintains a commitment to the principle of “in loco parentis.” This simply means we recognize that we operate as an extension of the family, the responsible unit in God’s plan for the education of children. Accordingly, we see our teachers as functioning with delegated authority from parents who are accountable to God for the education of their children. As a result, we strongly encourage parental involvement at Naperville Christian Academy, and we enthusiastically invite parents to participate actively in the school. We also expect parents to submit to the policies and decisions of the school.
As believers, we are brothers and sisters in Christ, joint-heirs in the gospel and, therefore, have a great privilege and responsibility in our relationship with one another and with the mission of the school. We are a community often engaging in prayer, service, fellowship, and Biblical instruction. We are convinced that if we are truly aligned in spiritual beliefs and educational philosophy, we will not only avoid much of the distraction and division that can characterize school communities, but will give our children a profoundly formative academic, social and spiritual education.