Parent Information

NCA is made up of a grateful community of like-hearted families, serving together for the good of ALL our children. Our parent partners are vital contributors to the ongoing acccomplishment of our mission.
Our parents often tell us that being in a classroom at NCA makes them wish they could go back to school. They see the rich content, strong fundamental skills, and character development being taught in a fun and collaborative environment and they want to be a part of it. Happily, parents are always welcome, invited to be present active participants at NCA! When students see their parents actively engaged in their learning, investing their time and attention as well as their resources, it testifies to the value and importance of their education. Naperville Christian Academy functions in loco parentis, literally translated “in the place of the parent”. This does not mean we want to replace parents in their God given call to raise up their children, but rather to be a helpmate and partner in that process, functioning as their representatives in the learning process at school. We, therefore, provide a myriad of opportunities for parents to be involved, to get to know other families and form lasting friendships, and to be life-long learners themselves.