We want our students live out their faith by learning to serve others and find joy in so doing. NCA organizes a variety of activities to provide opportunities of service throughout the year.
All School Service Days
Twice per year NCA focuses on giving back to our local community. In December, students spend a day sharing the joys of Christmas at nearby senior living facilities; bringing gifts, performing musical numbers from the Christmas program and visiting with residents. In the spring, our service is closer to home as we do our part to beautify and maintain the building we share with Trinity Church. This year students and staff spent the day doing spring clean-up of the campus and building a playground.
Student Council
Students meet twice a month to work on projects that develop unity in the NCA community and serve others outside of our family. Projects in the past have included collecting cereal boxes for the Apparent Project, selling snacks to raise funds for audio Bibles in Ghana through One Way Ministries, doing a talent show to raise money for Haiti disaster relief, collecting and sorting clothing for refugees through World Relief, running the Easter celebration for New Moms in Chicago and packing meals for Feed My Starving Children and boxes for Operation Christmas Child with Chick Fil A.