Humble Little House

Well, I had free time and decided to make something. In this first picture I present to you my plans and tools, the humble knife, ruler, hot glue gun, pencil, and foam board. I’ve seen a lot of people use foam board to make miniature houses for dioramas and board games.
Ah, all nice and cut out. The scrap pieces on the left were perfect for sprucing the design up so it would look nice.
The finished product. I measured the first roof incorrectly, so I had to make a new one to attach after I finished all four of the walls. This front ended up looking a lot more like a face than I had expected, haha!
The side pieces are my favorite part of the little thing, they just turned out so nice.
The back, it’s just the back of the house. I thought leaving pencil marks on it would make it look nice, along with the off-center door.
One last photo for scale purposes, nice and small – bout’ five inches long and three wide.