House System

Houses foster community and school spirit among students across grades, helping to build a school culture of teamwork, enthusiasm and camaraderie. The essence of each house centers around a select virtue that students in the house strive honor and model for the rest of the school. Houses are named after a person or literary character who embodies the house virtue. House Hall takes place weekly with varying activities for team bonding, personal reflection, and healthy competition. The year culminates in a House Feast at a long banquet table festively set for all. Rising 6th graders are inducted into their new houses on the last day of 5th grade during NCA’s annual “Clap Out” ceremony.

- Virtue: Temperance
- Mascot: Hippo
- Motto: Estis quod

- Virtue: Justice
- Mascot: Lamb
- Motto: Tετέλεσται

- Virtue: Loyalty
- Mascot: Wolf
- Motto: Summus fidelis
amicis familis et
maxime Deo

- Virtue: Mercy
- Mascot: Penguin
- Motto: κατακαυχᾶται
ἔλεος κρίσεως!

- Virtue: Fortitude
- Mascot: Phoenix
- Motto: fidelis per

- Virtue: Courage
- Mascot: Elephant
- Motto: confortare et
esto robustus