Physical Examinations
For students entering kindergarten, 6th, and 9th grades, and for any student entering school in Illinois for the first time, a new physical examination is required by the State of Illinois. The exam must be given within one year prior to the date the student enters school to be valid. The approved Physical Examination form must be turned in to the school office no later than the first day of school.
For students entering NCA for the first time in grades other than kindergarten, 6th, and 9th grades, a copy of the approved Physical Examination form from the prior required physical examination must be turned in to the school office no later than the first day of school.
If for religious reasons you do not wish your child to receive the required immunizations, a written statement of objection is required. In addition, if a specific vaccine is medically contraindicated, a written statement is required.
Dental Examinations
For students in kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades, a new dental examination is required by the State of Illinois. The approved Dental Examination form must be turned into the school office no later than the first day of school.
For students entering NCA for the first time in grades other than kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades, a copy of the approved Dental Examination form from the prior required dental examination must be turned in to the school office no later than the first day of school.
Vision Examinations
For students entering kindergarten or entering school in Illinois for the first time, an eye examination is required. The approved Vision Examination form must be turned into the school office no later than the first day of school.
For students entering NCA for the first time in grades above kindergarten, a copy of the approved Vision Examination form from the prior required vision examination must be turned in to the school office no later than the first day of school.