This past Saturday morning, while working at Café on the Park at the Wheaton Public Library, I saw my freshman English teacher from college. I had recently gone through my old college files, and I had intentionally looked at my essays and papers from Ms. Hecht’s English and Composition class. I
The Gratuity of Beauty
The other day I was on the phone as I arrived at school, and I waited in my car in the parking lot until the conversation was over. All of the sudden a gold finch (the state bird of Washington!) landed on a shrub just outside my car. I was so happy. They are somewhat rare here in Illinois, but as
Freedom, Truth, and Education
From Stratford Caldecott's, Beauty in the Word: Rethinking the Foundations of Education: "The modern mistake about that freedom has nothing to do with truth. We imagine that the more choices we have, the freer we are. In reality, a multitude of choices makes us no freer than we were
The Philosophical Difference Between Classical Christian Education and Public Education
At the classical Christian school where I work, we are constantly looking for new ways to increase enrollment in healthy ways. We do this by maintaining those students who currently attend, and bringing in new families. Over the past 2 or 3 years we've improved our retention of families, but one