NCA 2023-85
Slide 3 - Parthenon
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Quarter Century Benefit Gala - March 15th

We’re celebrating a quarter century of classical Christian education at NCA and are seeking partners who want to help us lay the groundwork for another 25 years! We’d love to bless your business with recognition in our school community and welcome you to join us for a beautiful evening of gratitude.

Give an Eternal Gift

In an age when so many struggle with identity, Naperville Christian Academy is teaching students the truth of WHO THEY ARE – precious children of the Most High who bear His image and are heirs through hope of everlasting life.

Help us to kindle a faithful flame in the hearts and minds of His children through VIBRANT classical Christian education… that [they] may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, full pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified [them] to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.  Colossians 1:9-12

Your charitable gift will support Education With Eyes on the Eternal.

Whether you can give $200 or $2,000, every gift makes a difference!

Grammar School

Preschool – 5th Grade

Where children are awakened to the joy of learning

Logic School

6th – 8th Grade

Where adolescents are armed with the tools of thought

Rhetoric School

9th – 12th Grade

Where young men and women embrace the beauty of speech in service of the truth

Education With Eyes On the Eternal

Throughout history, profound thinkers – shapers of civilization, have insisted that education is more valuable than precious jewels. Heartily seeking wisdom and virtue through questioning, discovery, discernment, and communication, we uncover in ourselves what makes us most deeply human. Naperville Christian Academy upholds this time-honored tradition, teaching the classical liberal arts and sciences examined through the Biblical lens of truth. With joy, our students learn to think for themselves, give praise and honor to God, and desire what is good and true and beautiful.

“It has been delightful to attend NCA chapel this year. Worshipping side by side with the students, faculty, administration and fellow parents has been such a beautiful reminder that this is not only a school community, but an eternal family, bonded together in the love of Christ. What a lovely opportunity to pause at the beginning of the day, midweek, and turn our eyes upon Jesus. I find myself reflecting on how deeply grateful I am that this is my son’s school experience. What a gift our Father has given to us in NCA.”
– Julie Haydon, NCA Parent

“We love this school! Everything about this school is excellent. They have a rigorous academic program enriched with the beauty and wonder of a classical approach to learning, and is grounded in the truth, goodness, and love of a Christian foundation. The teachers are amazing and really care about cultivating wisdom and virtue in our children. We have been at this school for five years now and we highly recommend taking a tour to see for yourself what it is all about!”
– Katharine Kotecki, NCA Parent

“Each one of our family members, including my husband and I, have had our lives enriched by NCA. While my children seem to “forget” what they did at school each day after I pick them up, I hear the poems they memorize and recite. Both of our girls have adapted quickly to NCA and made friends with children from other grades. And for whatever reason, the two of them play even more frequently and better together at home. It’s been the small details and acts of kindness that have impressed me the most. We feel blessed to be a part of NCA and grateful for the leadership in guiding these little people to become critical thinkers and servants of Christ! It also inspires us as parents to lead and love others as they do! “
– Erin Beyer, NCA Parent


“Naperville Christian Academy is a school genuinely pursuing what it means to be a Christian and classical school. The teachers and administration do the hard work of understanding what that means and applying it to the classroom and their teaching. NCA, moreover, seeks to be Christian and classical in community with anyone else in pursuit of the same goals, seeking to collaborate with others in a spirit of Christian fellowship.”
– Dr. Matthew Bianco, The CiRCE Institute

“I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible education and support that our sons have received at NCA. I have witnessed a remarkable growth in our elder son’s creativity and confidence, particularly his ability to write his first worship song for Jesus (My Shield) and compose music on his own. It is truly inspiring to see how the lessons and values imparted by the school have helped him explore his faith and express it through music. We are so grateful for the positive influence that NCA has had on our children’s spiritual and creative journey.”
– Pinapati Family

Naperville Christian Academy